Version .NET Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 2/17/2012

Program Version:

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software .NET Maintenance Release with the release date of 2/17/2012.

Case Management Release Notes

Framework Release Notes

HIP Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Property Security Release Notes

Scribe Release Notes

TenDocs Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes

Case Management


1. The Person record now pulls phone numbers from Occupancy and Rent Calculation, in addition to addresses. (Case 2150)

Path: Home tab menu >Case Management > Case List > Case List screen > Person screen > Person Details tab > Phone Numbers section



1. We have added the "SSN - View Full" privilege to the Form Security screen for the Person, Person Search, and Trespasser forms. This allows users with this privilege to view full, unmasked Social Security Numbers. (Case 2149)

Path: Home tab menu >Case Management > Case List > Case List screen > Person screen > Form Security icon

Path: Home tab menu >Property Security > Person Search > Person Search screen > Form Security icon

Path: Home tab menu >Property Security > Trespasser > Trespasser (New) screen > Form Security icon

2. We have enhanced the Save Layout option to support "named layouts," which allows you to save multiple layouts and select them by name. This feature now has a Layout drop-down list, a Save Layout icon, and a Delete Layout icon. If you save a layout, you will be prompted to name it. The Layout drop-down list includes "Default Layout" and any named layouts you have saved. (Case 1967)

Example Path: Home tab menu >Case Management > Case List > Case List screen



1. We have added totals to all columns in KPI grids that have numerical data. Typically, these are in the drill-downs of the KPIs. (Case 827)

Bug Reports

1. The date was missing from current views of the Applicant Activity Count KPI, and historical views of this KPI returned an error message. This has been corrected. (Cases 871 and 989)

Path: Home tab menu > HIP > KPI > KPI drop-down list > Housing: Applicant Activity Count

2. Blanket purchase orders can skew the PO Approval Rate KPI, because these purchase orders are pre-approved. To correct this, we have excluded blanket purchase orders from this KPI. (Case 1422)

Path: Home tab menu > HIP > KPI > KPI drop-down list > Accounting: PO Approval Rate

3. The Move-In and Move-Out Certification KPIs, Count by Data Area and Count by Project, displayed certifications counts for one year. This date range has been corrected to one month. (Case 1956)

Path: Home tab menu > HIP > KPI > KPI drop-down list > Housing: Move-In Certification and Move-Out Certification

4. The Community Service Count KPI has been corrected to exclude the following dependent types: E - Full time student, L - Live In Aide, and Y - Youth. (Case 2001)

Path: Home tab menu > HIP > KPI > KPI drop-down list > Housing: Community Service Count

5. We have corrected a misspelling of "Other Exempt" in the legend of the Vacancy Count by Development KPI. (Case 826)

Path: Home tab menu > HIP > KPI > KPI drop-down list > Housing: Vacancy Count: Count by Development



1. We have updated the payroll deduction file export to support additional plans (Roth IRA, Traditional IRA, and 457). (Case 1916)

Property Security

Bug Report

1. When a person was banned from all properties, the Trespasser screen and the Trespasser Report would sometimes show them as banned from "Specific Properties." In this situation, the Manage Trespasser Restrictions screen, when accessed from the Trespasser Report, would also show no data for the trespasser. These errors have been corrected. (Case 2136)

Path: Home tab menu > Property Security > Trespasser > Trespasser screen

Path: Home tab menu > Property Security > Reports > Property Security Reports drop-down list > Trespasser > Banned From column > Manage Trespasser Restrictions screen



1. If you previewed a report from Designer or while batch printing, dialog boxes would pop up, asking the maximum number of records you want to preview and, for reports needing them, which Header, Signature, and/or Footer to use. We have improved this feature to eliminate the pop-ups. The maximum number of records to preview is now a parameter field (Max Records) on the Preview screen itself. Header, Signature, and Footer are also parameter fields on the Preview screen when previewing from Designer. When batch printing, Header, Signature, and Footer are now fields on the Scribe Batch Print screen. (Cases 1555 and 1675)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Batch Print > Scribe Batch Print screen > Print icon drop-down list > Print Preview

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Preview icon

Bug Report

1. Headers, Signatures, and Footers would not print on sub-reports. This has been corrected. (Case 2238)


Bug Report

1. We have corrected various errors in TenDocs. The Document Type drop-down list was missing from the Quick Load screen for the Vendor category. Certain document categories were tagging documents with incorrect document types. Documents in the PH Unit category sometimes failed to show correctly in the TenDocs archive. These errors have been corrected. (Case 1969)

Path: Home tab menu > TenDocs > Quick Load

Work Order


1. You can now print Scribe reports from the Work Order Search screen.(Case 1971)

Path: Home tab menu >Work Order > Search > Work Order Search screen > Scribe icon drop-down list

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An MRI Software Company